Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Prepare a face to meet the faces that you meet

Happy 2014.

On my to-do list for the new year: websites for my book, Decomposition, and for my writing in general.

To that end, some publicity photos. 

Go ahead and laugh. I am utterly uneasy in front of a camera. How brutally it documents the limitations of skin, body, mind, mortality . . . 

Any beauty in these images is solely attributable to the photographer, the amazing Sara Hertel.


MrLich said...

If I can help in any way (websites etc) let me know brotha.

mishmashmusic said...

I like the third shot with the hat. You look more comfortable and the smirk is nice. The other two are good, but you don't look very interested in being photographed - like you mentioned in the blog post :)

Andrew Durkin said...

Thanks guys. Matt -- I may take you up on that!